A Blog on REPLit.com

A Blog on REPLit.com

My first blog.

What is Replit ?

Replit.com is a simple yet powerful online IDE (integrated developement environment), Editor, Compiler, Interpreter, and REPL (read–eval–print loop). Code, compile, run, and host in 50+ programming languages.

Setting-up your Repl:

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Repls are the core of Replit service, and it is always avilable for all of its users. You can create as many Repls as you wish in any language you prefer, Just start by logging in to replit.com website. You can also access your Repls and create new one's in the "My repls" view, found at the top of your page once you log in.

Why use Replit?

Repl.it provides all the things you require for coding, you don't have to do any configuration, neither download nor any setup. All you have to do is visit the site, select the programming language and start coding. Repl works on any Operating system and any browser. All you need to start is, any PC, good internet connection and a good browser like Chrome or Firefox. The downloading of Zip's, packages, DMG's are taken care by the Universal Package manager embedded in the firmware of replit, You don't have to build a project from scratch.

GitHub services on Repl:

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On Replit you can clone, commit and push your project to any repository just with a click, get started with any GitHub repository right from your browser just like that! Commit and push without touching your Git terminal. You can also add "Run On Replit" badge to your Readme file to get collabrators to contribute to your repository.

Hope learning about Replit was fun and useful, next blog on Github Desktop, coming soon! Stay tuned.